Music Ministry at Grace
O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Adult Choir
The choir at Grace is a friendly, open minded, and dedicated group of about eighteen volunteer singers, accompanied and conducted by the Music Director. During services, the choir leads singing of service music and hymns and normally sings an anthem. Choral music from all periods of choral literature is sung in unison, two, three, or four+ parts, usually accompanied by piano or organ, sometimes a cappella or with added instruments. Traditional Episcopal black and white cassocks and surplices are worn. Regular rehearsals are Wednesdays from 7 - 8:30pm & the choir sings at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service year round. In addition, the choir leads music for occasional special services such as during Holy Week and Advent. Seasonal residents in town for only part of the year are welcome to join. No prior musical experience needed - all are welcome to join!
Chime Choir
The Chime Choir practices weekly on Thursday mornings and usually plays monthly in addition to special services. This friendly, fun, and caring group was established after the purchase of chimes in 2022. In addition to playing their own repertoire, the chimes accompany singing - especially chant and processions for outside services such as Palm Sunday and Rogation Day. A variety of music levels is represented among the players, and we practice well ahead of time to learn our music. No prior musical experience needed - all are welcome!
Taizé Service Players
Once a month Grace offers a Sunday evening service in the style of the Taizé community in France. Music is sent out in advance, and singers and instrumentalists practice together at 6:00 p.m. prior to the 7:00 p.m. service. The Bechendörff piano in the church is played, as well as clarinet, guitar, or other instruments, and singing is led by a cantor.
The church owns a digital three manual Allen Renaissance organ which is the main service instrument, and a 5’10” Bechendörff grand piano is also in the church for use. A Yamaha upright is in the parish hall, and a 5’ Charles M. Steff Grand Piano is in the choir room. During Covid, the vestry purchased two octaves of Malmark Chimes and a Yamaha 73 key digital piano with mixer and speakers for outdoor services. The church owns a number of rhythm instruments which are occasionally played for services.
For special services such as Easter, Christmas, or confirmation, members of the church often play at and add their musical talents to the service. Occasionally, outside instrumentalists play for us.
Interested in participating or have questions?
Contact Sean Coughlin, Director of Music
Worship Times
Sunday 8:00am in person and live stream 9:15am Education Hour for all ages 10:30am in person Taizé Service - 1st Sundays @ 7:00 pm Wednesday 12:00 pm Eucharist + Healing Service |
Grace Church in the Mountains
394 N. Haywood Street, Waynesville, North Carolina 28786 • Phone: (828) 456-6029 Email: [email protected]
394 N. Haywood Street, Waynesville, North Carolina 28786 • Phone: (828) 456-6029 Email: [email protected]