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What to expect on Sunday
First, expect to be welcomed! Hospitality is important to us. Second, expect something new and different. While the structure of the liturgy (that is, worship service) is the same each week, hymns, Scripture, prayer and even the emotional tone changes week by week. Worship in our church follows the ancient Christian tradition.
We try to make our bulletins accessible with all the information you need to follow the service, including cues about when to stand, sit or kneel. Kneeling is always optional, as are other gestures that some may use such as making the sign of the cross during some parts of the service. Additionally, each week, the bulletin contains announcements, names of folks we are praying for, and contact information for the parish. You invited to take the bulletin home with you. Hymns can be found in the red hymnals in the pew racks. Occasionally some music will be used from a supplemental black binder which is found on the ends of all pews. |
Want to learn more about why we do what we do in worship?
Check out these annotated bulletins. This annotated bulletin describes the first half of the service with its emphasis on hearing God's Word. This annotated bulletin describes the second half of the service with its emphasis on dining at God's Table, the Holy Eucharist. Want to learn more about the Episcopal Church? Check out this teaching series, Episcopal Church 101, on our YouTube page. |
We encourage you to contact the Rector or the Parish Office with specific questions.
Are children welcome?
Yes! Children are welcome throughout the whole service, and we know they sometimes cry or make other noises – no problem! We have activity bags that an usher can give you. Children's formation offerings are available for all ages during the 9:15 formation hour, and nursery is also available between 9:15 until the 10:30 am service ends.
May I receive communion?
Yes. The Episcopal Church believes that God’s welcome is for all Christians who seek a closer relationships with Jesus. If you prefer not to receive, you may also come forward for a blessing from the priest by crossing your arms over your chest. We always have gluten-free wafers available.
What do Episcopalians believe, anyway?
Click here to find out!
I am hearing impaired. Do you have hearing assistance devices?
Yes! Simply let the usher know, and we’ll be happy to lend you one for the service.
How can I become a member?
If you are or were a member of another Episcopal congregation, were ever confirmed in an Episcopal Church, or are from another province of the Anglican Communion, you can transfer your membership. You are asked to provide the name and location of the church and approximate dates of your membership or, if you were confirmed there, the approximate date of confirmation, and we will send for a Letter of Transfer.
If you are a member of another Christian denomination and were baptized with water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you may become a “baptized member” of Grace Church after providing your birth date and place and your baptismal date and place.
How can I/my child be baptized?
If you and/or your child have not been baptized, you are invited to speak with one of the clergy to arrange a baptism. Baptisms at Grace are administered during our regularly scheduled worship services on the feast days specified by the Book of Common Prayer (Baptism of Our Lord, The Great Vigil of Easter, Pentecost, All Saints’ Sunday) and once or twice during the summer months. Anyone baptized at Grace is a “baptized member.”
How can I become a confirmed Episcopalian?
Confirmation is an important sacramental rite in the church and is a step one can take to make a “mature public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by a bishop.” (Book of Common Prayer, page 412.) Those interested in being confirmed prepare by participation in seasonal Inquirer/Confirmation classes. These classes are facilitated by the Rector. It is important to note that while any baptized person can become a member of Grace Church and bear a majority of rights and privileges, she or he is required to be confirmed or received from another Christian tradition in order to become a confirmed Episcopalian and serve in certain leadership roles. Many often attend Inquirer/Confirmation classes to explore what they may or may not have learned and often to reaffirm their faith. Inquirer/Confirmation classes are designed to provide an overview of the Episcopal practice of the Christian faith and prepare youth and adults to be confirmed, reaffirmed, or received by The Episcopal Church from other Christian traditions or religions.
What are the expectations of members of Grace Church?
The Book of Common Prayer says that the duty of all Christians is to “follow Christ; to come together week by week for corporate worship; and to work, pray and give for the spread of the kingdom of God.” The Episcopal Constitutions and Canons specify that to be a voting member of a congregation, one must, for six months prior to a parish election, be a regular worshipper at the parish and a regular contributor to the current expenses of the parish. Most members make an annual pledge of financial support to the operating budget during the annual fund campaign or at any time during the year. To make a financial pledge to Grace Church, please speak with the Rector.
What is a member in good standing?
A member in good standing is one whose baptism is entered in the parish register (through one of the means described above), who worships regularly and who is a contributor of record (by pledge or other identifiable contribution) to the general support of the parish. Confirmed members in good standing are eligible to serve on the vestry and vote at the Annual Meeting of the Parish.
Are children welcome?
Yes! Children are welcome throughout the whole service, and we know they sometimes cry or make other noises – no problem! We have activity bags that an usher can give you. Children's formation offerings are available for all ages during the 9:15 formation hour, and nursery is also available between 9:15 until the 10:30 am service ends.
May I receive communion?
Yes. The Episcopal Church believes that God’s welcome is for all Christians who seek a closer relationships with Jesus. If you prefer not to receive, you may also come forward for a blessing from the priest by crossing your arms over your chest. We always have gluten-free wafers available.
What do Episcopalians believe, anyway?
Click here to find out!
I am hearing impaired. Do you have hearing assistance devices?
Yes! Simply let the usher know, and we’ll be happy to lend you one for the service.
How can I become a member?
If you are or were a member of another Episcopal congregation, were ever confirmed in an Episcopal Church, or are from another province of the Anglican Communion, you can transfer your membership. You are asked to provide the name and location of the church and approximate dates of your membership or, if you were confirmed there, the approximate date of confirmation, and we will send for a Letter of Transfer.
If you are a member of another Christian denomination and were baptized with water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you may become a “baptized member” of Grace Church after providing your birth date and place and your baptismal date and place.
How can I/my child be baptized?
If you and/or your child have not been baptized, you are invited to speak with one of the clergy to arrange a baptism. Baptisms at Grace are administered during our regularly scheduled worship services on the feast days specified by the Book of Common Prayer (Baptism of Our Lord, The Great Vigil of Easter, Pentecost, All Saints’ Sunday) and once or twice during the summer months. Anyone baptized at Grace is a “baptized member.”
How can I become a confirmed Episcopalian?
Confirmation is an important sacramental rite in the church and is a step one can take to make a “mature public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by a bishop.” (Book of Common Prayer, page 412.) Those interested in being confirmed prepare by participation in seasonal Inquirer/Confirmation classes. These classes are facilitated by the Rector. It is important to note that while any baptized person can become a member of Grace Church and bear a majority of rights and privileges, she or he is required to be confirmed or received from another Christian tradition in order to become a confirmed Episcopalian and serve in certain leadership roles. Many often attend Inquirer/Confirmation classes to explore what they may or may not have learned and often to reaffirm their faith. Inquirer/Confirmation classes are designed to provide an overview of the Episcopal practice of the Christian faith and prepare youth and adults to be confirmed, reaffirmed, or received by The Episcopal Church from other Christian traditions or religions.
What are the expectations of members of Grace Church?
The Book of Common Prayer says that the duty of all Christians is to “follow Christ; to come together week by week for corporate worship; and to work, pray and give for the spread of the kingdom of God.” The Episcopal Constitutions and Canons specify that to be a voting member of a congregation, one must, for six months prior to a parish election, be a regular worshipper at the parish and a regular contributor to the current expenses of the parish. Most members make an annual pledge of financial support to the operating budget during the annual fund campaign or at any time during the year. To make a financial pledge to Grace Church, please speak with the Rector.
What is a member in good standing?
A member in good standing is one whose baptism is entered in the parish register (through one of the means described above), who worships regularly and who is a contributor of record (by pledge or other identifiable contribution) to the general support of the parish. Confirmed members in good standing are eligible to serve on the vestry and vote at the Annual Meeting of the Parish.
Worship Times
Sunday 8:00am in person and live stream 9:15am Education Hour for all ages 10:30am in person Taizé Service - 1st Sundays @ 7:00 pm Wednesday 12:00 pm Eucharist + Healing Service |
Grace Church in the Mountains
394 N. Haywood Street, Waynesville, North Carolina 28786 • Phone: (828) 456-6029 Email: [email protected]
394 N. Haywood Street, Waynesville, North Carolina 28786 • Phone: (828) 456-6029 Email: [email protected]